Jun 21, 2017 | Dissemination, News
As part of our project, the PROMISE team are committed to ensuring that the hard work that goes on across all of our 12 partners is effectively disseminated to all of our research partner organisations, participants, the academic community, policy makers and...
Mar 31, 2017 | Dissemination, News
Joining UCP, Portugal and IPRS, Italy, new PROMISE project webpages have been launched by our Barcelona-based partners, UAB! The new webpages provide information on the project aims, approach and the members of the PROMISE project’s Spanish team. The site also links...
Mar 29, 2017 | Events, News
From the 22 to the 24 February 2017, the partners of the PROMISE project met in Rome for the second meeting of the project. The meeting, hosted by IPRS, saw 32 participants from 10 countries, and belonging to 12 organisations discuss the progress of the activities in...
Mar 27, 2017 | Events, News
The second PROMISE meeting in Rome was hosted by our Italian partner, IPRS, from the 22 to the 24 February 2017. The meeting was very productive with presentations, discussions on fieldwork, analysis, national and European practice networks, dissemination, as well as...