Sep 11, 2017 | Dissemination, Events, Policy and Practitioner Network
Following the successful set up of the National Policy and Practice Networks (NPPNs) by the PROMISE partners in their respective countries, the first European Policy Network (EPN) has now also been established. The EPN meeting, organised by PROMISE partner YES...
Jul 17, 2017 | Events, News, Policy and Practitioner Network
At the end of the first year of the PROMISE project partners have forged impressive links with national and local stakeholders working with young people. A National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) has been set up in each partner country to ensure an exchange of...
Jul 6, 2017 | Media, News
While the University of Manchester hosts the main PROMISE website, the Manchester team now has its own website dedicated to PROMISE research relevant to the UK. The webpages provide detailed information about the two ethnographic case studies and the research team....
Jul 6, 2017 | Dissemination, Media, News
Our PROMISE partner – YES Forum- have launched their own PROMISE webpage. The new website is a great source for getting the latest and up-to-date information about PROMISE’s engagement on the European policy level. The YES Forum is a network of 34 non-government...
Jul 4, 2017 | Dissemination, Media, News
Matej Bel University (UMB) in Slovakia is delighted to announce that their new PROMISE project website is now live! The website provides details of the project as well as information about the UMB PROMISE research team. The new UMB PROMISE website will also host a...