PROMISE is a collaborative research project exploring young people’s role in shaping society, focussing specifically on young people ‘in conflict’ with authority.
Latest news
First results from PROMISE fieldwork presented at Zagreb
PROMISE partners met in the beautiful city of Zagreb to discuss emerging themes from the 21 ethnographic case studies. Hosted by the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (IPI-Croatia) PROMISE team members held a two day project meeting on 28-29 September 2017 to present initial findings from the case studies carried out in 10 countries. The PROMISE fieldwork started early in 2017 after a rigorous process of securing ethical approval and creating research tools, and is now coming to an end as PROMISE partners are in the last stage of their data collection and observation.
UTARTU Estonia launches new PROMISE webpage!
Joining the rest of the PROMISE partners, University of Tartu (UTARTU) in Estonia has now their own PROMISE website!
The website provides details of the project in Estonian as well as information about the UTARTU PROMISE research team. The new UTARTU PROMISE website will also host a variety of outputs that result from the PROMISE project, so check their website for updates on UTARTU’s work.
PROMISE is funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement no. 693221.

Open all minds
Open all dreams
Research, question
Open all doors
Open all senses
Open all defenses, ask
What were these closed for?