PROMISE is a collaborative research project exploring young people’s role in shaping society, focussing specifically on young people ‘in conflict’ with authority.
Latest news
Manchester PROMISE dedicated website launched!
While the University of Manchester hosts the main PROMISE website, the Manchester team now has its own website dedicated to PROMISE research relevant to the UK.
The webpages provide detailed information about the two ethnographic case studies and the research team.
YES-Forum launches great PROMISE website!
Our PROMISE partner – YES Forum- have launched their own PROMISE webpage.
The new website is a great source for getting the latest and up-to-date information about PROMISE’s engagement on the European policy level.
PROMISE is funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement no. 693221.

Open all minds
Open all dreams
Research, question
Open all doors
Open all senses
Open all defenses, ask
What were these closed for?