PROMISE is a collaborative research project exploring young people’s role in shaping society, focussing specifically on young people ‘in conflict’ with authority.
Latest news
PROMISE makes a splash at the European Youth Partnership Symposium in Prague, June 2017
PROMISE team members linked in with colleagues from across Europe at the Youth Partnership Symposium held in Prague from 12 -14 June. Project coordinator, Jo Deakin, University of Manchester, and team member, Katerina Konecna from the YES Forum, took part in discussions and activities over the 3-day meeting, presenting the PROMISE project as part of a Youth Policy Fair to over 100 delegates.
PROMISE professor wins BBC/BSA Ethnography Book Award!
PROMISE member Prof. Hilary Pilkington from The University of Manchester has won the prestigious BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Ethnography Award prize for her fascinating new book “Loud and Proud: Passion and Politics in the English Defence League”.
PROMISE is funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement no. 693221.

Open all minds
Open all dreams
Research, question
Open all doors
Open all senses
Open all defenses, ask
What were these closed for?