PROMISE is a collaborative research project exploring young people’s role in shaping society, focussing specifically on young people ‘in conflict’ with authority.
Latest news
PROMISE hits Hamburg! International ECPR conference in Germany
The Manchester teams delivered papers at this year’s European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference at the Universität Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018. The international conference in Hamburg encompassed a breadth of scholars from social and political disciplines and embodied another layer of significance, particularly in times of growing political instability. Our papers were featured in the section on ‘Connecting Social Movement Studies and Political Participation Research’ which presented a vibrant consideration of the (changing) nature of political participation. More specifically, our panel examined ‘Youth Participation and Social Change’. Both papers were based on the respective UK case study reports, which are available on the PROMISE website, see ethnographic case studies.
H2020 PROMISE Portuguese team briefs policy makers and publishes case studies
The PROMISE Portuguese National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) met again but this time to discuss the key findings of the two ethnographic case studies. The two Portuguese case studies have been completed and the reports are available now on the PROMISE web site. The NPPN meeting was also attended by some of the young participants of the ‘Risk’ case study.
PROMISE is funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement no. 693221.

Open all minds
Open all dreams
Research, question
Open all doors
Open all senses
Open all defenses, ask
What were these closed for?