PROMISE is a collaborative research project exploring young people’s role in shaping society, focussing specifically on young people ‘in conflict’ with authority.
Latest news
Estonian Case Study on the Setos Community
Our Estonian partner Aet Annist (UTARTU) discussed her PROMISE case study on the Setos ethnic minority in Estonia at the AAS/ASA/ASAANZ Conference “Shifting states” in Adelaide, Australia (11-15 December 2017). The case study looked at the disenfranchised and dispossessed Setos tapping into the remnants of their political capital to achieve change from the present focusing on indigenous Setoness towards a more inclusive municipal leadership (and how they failed). The talk also pointed out the characteristics of such groups, especially how their social dispossession diminish their ability to unify for any cause, and make them invisible to most social research.
PROMISE partner UAB presents research at Youth and Society in Madrid
PROMISE partners at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in Spain presented the first results of their PROMISE case studies at the II Conference on Youth and Society (II Jornadas de Juventud y Sociedad) in Madrid on the 16th and 17th November 2017.
The Youth and Society conference aimed at covering the strategies that young people follow in order to overcome the economic crisis, focusing on: employment, housing, migration, political activism, and public policies.
PROMISE is funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement no. 693221.

Open all minds
Open all dreams
Research, question
Open all doors
Open all senses
Open all defenses, ask
What were these closed for?