Promise case study presentation at 2018 Cascais European Youth CapitalPROMISE partners have met again as fieldwork comes to an end. The consortium meeting was hosted by our Portuguese partners at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Porto on 1-2 March 2018.

The co-ordinator Raquel Matos also arranged for the PROMISE team to engage with Portuguese policy makers and youth practitioners in Cascais, the 2018 European Youth Capital, prior to the consortium meeting in Porto. 

Clusters analysis


Promise PI Jo Deaking from opening speech at CascaisThe PROMISE project is well on track having completed 21 ethnographic case studies as we come to the end of our second year into the project.

The case studies are diverse and each team has used a range of methods to access and engage young people.

We are currently all working on coding the interviews and analysing the single case studies for a report to be submitted to our funder the European Commission by May 2018.


The next step will involve the analysis of the case studies within 4 thematic clusters:
Cluster 1 Education/justice/society

Cluster 2 Culture/politics

Cluster 3 Economy/leisure spaces

Cluster 4 Gender/sexuality

What’s next?


Porto 2018 Promise consortium meetingInformed by results of the case studies and the experiences in the field, the PROMISE quantitative teams have made good progress designing appropriate questions on Youth Involvement and Social Engagement for our PROMISE national representative survey.

The quantitative analysis is an important part of PROMISE coordinated by our German partners GESIS and our Estonian partner from the University Of Tartu. Their aim is to generate additional survey questions to fill the gaps in the existing data. Some background work in preparation for our survey had been ongoing since the beginning of the project as we reported in our previous newsfeed on the GESIS analysis of the European Values Study.



Look out for further news on this on our newsfeed twitter and Instagram as more results will emerge from the project!