Jun 11, 2018 | Dissemination
The Portuguese PROMISE case studies explored experiences of stigmatisation and conflict faced by young people living in Portugal and how they respond to these stigmatisations in socially innovative ways. Data for these two case studies were collected by the PROMISE...
Apr 24, 2018 | Dissemination
The Russian PROMISE team is focusing on the engagement and activism of marginalized young people within the current social and political context. The research team, based in the Centre for Youth Studies at the National Research University High School of Economics...
Apr 20, 2018 | Dissemination
As part of PROMISE, Finnish Youth Research Society conducted two independent case studies that focused on young mothers in multicultural Finland and young people’s spatial occupations and belongings in the media city. This is the first newsfeed in a series detailing...
Jan 9, 2018 | Dissemination
Our Estonian partner Aet Annist (UTARTU) discussed her PROMISE case study on the Setos ethnic minority in Estonia at the AAS/ASA/ASAANZ Conference “Shifting states” in Adelaide, Australia (11-15 December 2017). The case study looked at the disenfranchised...