Jul 17, 2017 | Events, News, Policy and Practitioner Network
At the end of the first year of the PROMISE project partners have forged impressive links with national and local stakeholders working with young people. A National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) has been set up in each partner country to ensure an exchange of...
Jul 6, 2017 | Media, News
While the University of Manchester hosts the main PROMISE website, the Manchester team now has its own website dedicated to PROMISE research relevant to the UK. The webpages provide detailed information about the two ethnographic case studies and the research team....
Jul 3, 2017 | Dissemination, News
Our Russian PROMISE partner from the Centre for Youth Studies at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in St. Petersburg has set up their own PROMISE webpage. The webpage contains information about the project as well as about the ambitious case studies the research...
Jun 21, 2017 | News, Policy and Practitioner Network
PROMISE team members linked in with colleagues from across Europe at the Youth Partnership Symposium held in Prague from 12 -14 June. Project coordinator, Jo Deakin, University of Manchester, and team member, Katerina Konecna from the YES Forum, took part in...
May 10, 2017 | Dissemination, News
Our Finnish Youth Research Network (FYRN) PROMISE partner have now launched their PROMISE project webpage. The new webpage provides an overview of the PROMISE project in both English and Finnish and the contact details of the Finnish team. The site also links up with...